"Sweet Barbarians"Tonight I was listening to the Handsome Family and I started thinking about swamps and woods and peoples relationships with them. They are both sources of delight and tranquility, but there is something creepy and dark about them as well. For people who live in or near woods, their proximity pervades everything, as if it were a godlike, enveloping presence. People get up to interesting things when hidden in the woods.
This made me think of the paintings of
Madora Frey. I love they way there is obviously something really messed up happening but you can't really tell what it is. Madora painted one of my most favorite paintings ever, "Wilding"- and I really regret not buying it when I had the chance. People reactions were mixed, some saw it sexually, some saw it morbidly.
This is it below:
" Wilding "
"Swamp Girl"